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Dany Drolet

It was very early on that the family noticed the talent and the sustained interest in Dany's drawings. According to his mother, Dany was a child with a lot of energy and little sleep. Countless the times she sat, at 3am  in the morning, in the family kitchen with the lights on everywhere to scribble a few squirts of inspiration that would terminaient_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_often not returning, strongly advised by sa maman, to his bed. Years have passed without interest in the arts evaporating for elle. On the contrary, Dany has walked in several spheres all related to the arts. Whether it's screen printing, visual art and interior design in CEGEP, she has never strayed from her dream of making a living from her art.


It was at 28 that she opened her first painting school in the countryside in a charming little mobile home. This will make its talents recognized among a well-established clientele. Almost 20 years later, she is still working in the arts, has a storefront in Nicolet with her multifunctional studio and continues her learning of the arts with private university courses that she can do from home. For 12 years, she has been an artist published in the magazine Coup de Pinceau, a unique art magazine in Quebec, and for a year she became Director of creations in no more supplying this same magazine with other patterns for publication. A busy life and a daughter who is appreciated and involved in her community.


Here are some examples exposed here for the pleasure of the eyes!


Exhibition November 2018 

to January 2019


Opening November 9 at 7 p.m.


Jessica Jutras

During her studies in the arts, she had the opportunity to work with several mediums, she had a definite crush on acrylic painting, so it became her medium of choice. Allowing all kinds of textures as well as a variety of colors that can go from bright to dull, acrylic painting allowed her to explore many styles before finally guiding her towards figurative works.
His excessive passion for vintage as well as for the automotive world comes out strongly in his works. Indeed this fascination affects practically all his artistic production. Pastel or bright colors as well as the curves of old cars are for her not only visually very aesthetic but also allow her to create works that are vibrant with emotions. As for the characters present in his creations, they make it possible to create movement through their organic forms, this creates a contrast between the object and the living. She tries to create characters that stand out, I

It aims to appropriate a style giving them a personality of their own, whether through their style of dress, hair or even their tattoos. In addition, she likes that the idea of the strong and independent woman frequently emerges from her works.

Exhibition mid-May 2019 

at july 2019


Opening May 25 at 6:30 p.m.

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